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Showing posts from October, 2010

Year of the Tiger

It's been almost 18 months since my last post on the future of technology. Some of my predictions have gained momentum like location based services while some like robotics and 3D gaming are moving rather slowly. Before I go back to the future let's do a quick recap of the past year. A few technology stories and trends that had everybody's attention..

BCB: A reader's comment to my post "Is Google in Trouble?"

" BCB or Blog->Comment->Blog is an idea I had about converting great comments on blog posts or articles into blog posts themselves. This brings great thoughts to the fore that otherwise would just stay stuck in the comments section."     Below is a comment on my original post "Is Google in Trouble??"  from Anonymous.. I get a similar sense at times. Partly because there doesn't seem to be a unified strategy at Google and they seem to be falling into "let's do everything" pattern. Juxtaposed to that is of course something that I do give them credit for: boldly trying different things, however that doesn't cue their "addiction" to ad revenue. Their primary and very much only source of revenue.