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BCB: A reader's comment to my post "Is Google in Trouble?"

"BCB or Blog->Comment->Blog is an idea I had about converting great comments on blog posts or articles into blog posts themselves. This brings great thoughts to the fore that otherwise would just stay stuck in the comments section."    Below is a comment on my original post "Is Google in Trouble??" from Anonymous..

I get a similar sense at times. Partly because there doesn't seem to be a unified strategy at Google and they seem to be falling into "let's do everything" pattern. Juxtaposed to that is of course something that I do give them credit for: boldly trying different things, however that doesn't cue their "addiction" to ad revenue. Their primary and very much only source of revenue.

And then there are all the issues with their core tech, like search. Seriously, Gmail will NOT find some of my emails with certain text even though the text is in the email (it'll find say 9 out of 10 emails, which I know contain said word). I also hate how by default it will only search for complete words and not partial results.

Or this one: add a couple of labels to a conversation. Back to the main view, delete said conversation. Then when you receive a new email with the same subject (thus the same conversation), you'll go to read it, and even though the labels ARE enabled if you click at the Labels button, they do NOT show on screen. I mean, this is their CORE tech we're talking about. Gmail, the best web mail out there. The inventor of the "conversation view". Jeez...

Get your shit together guys. I know you have very smart people there, and you started off well (marketdroids and non-engineers didn't run the place at first), but you're loosing track. (And you're also pissing me off with Android because you just can't do what Apple does, and as well as Apple does it but you've given fuel to all the lame Winmo freakboys and now they think they've "seen the light" and they've jumped ship to the fandroid hordes. But it's still "Windows" under the covers: multiple hardware makers, multiple software versions, fragmented, head-smacking confusion and inconsistencies of the PC world all over again. Gah. Even if finally Linux made it onto handsets and even if Android is way better than anything that could have came from Microsoft.) Anyways...


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