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Showing posts from February, 2011

Unions - Modern Ball and Chain

As I was reading about the happenings in Wisconsin, I started thinking about the role unions play in our current day economy as well as our society. The more I thought about it, more unconvinced I was about their role. And as if on cue,  I came across this excellent article which clarified my perspective. You could be a conservative or a liberal but there is no questioning the points the author makes. I come from the technology industry which prides itself for being nimble, highly productive, highly customer oriented and highly profitable. In spite of technology being a necessity for any industry, it also is highly volatile with technologies becoming obsolete in a matter of months instead of years.

My scrollbar is broken!

I am thankful for AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) aka the technology behind web browsers' ability to load data dynamically without having to refresh. It has saved us from the thankless task of refreshing our browser endlessly to view any update. If it hadn't been for this technology, web applications would have permanently lagged behind native applications in terms of usability. And I will even go out on a limb and say that maybe even web 2.0 might not have been as robust had it not been for AJAX. However the evolution of AJAX and its omnipresence in web 2.0 has had a few unintended consequences. One of them is the broken scroll bar.