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Tablets - The second coming

Apple tablet anyone? How about a MS/HP Tablet? Déjà vu????

The tablet rumor mills are turning and pundits are trying to predict if the devices will succeed or fall flat like last time - for starters read this .

IMHO that this generation of tablets will be different because of just one thing - wireless connectivity!!! 3G, 4G (and Wi-Fi of course). Although smartphones are great, it still falls way short in terms of browsing experience. Have you ever used a Blackberry Bold to read news? So I am betting that tablets will continue what the iPhones started - rapidly increase mobile Internet browsing. I think the Apple Newton was a dud because of this lack of connectivity, so any comparison to it or iPaqs are moot. And if rumors (or controlled apple leaks) are to be believed, Apple iTablet (or whatever) will probably feature Verizon's 3G connectivity.

And another one of my bets is that with tablets on the way, app stores for Android, Apple and Palm (1000 apps and counting) will be shuttered or pretty much become irrelevant. The tablet browsing experience will be so good that no one will want to install apps.

And last but not least Kindle and all single purpose e-readers are going to go the way of the dinosaurs. All you need in a tablet is an e-reader mode and voila your e-book is ready.

What do you think? Please post your thoughts and comments.


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