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Corporations of America - Show some ba**s!!!

Couple of weeks back, Google did what even the world's powerful governments don't have the balls to do. They stood up to the Great Wall of China. And to say that Google did not have a big enough presence in China is complete BS - companies with much smaller amounts to lose in China do not dare to do so.

So this is a call to action to all American companies doing business in China and other countries with authoritarian regimes.

It's not all about the money, ROE, shareholders etc. it is about character, ability to hold your head high and refusal to negotiate when faced with unfair policies and practices.
To say that US corporations have power is like saying Tiger Woods has problems. It is a huge understatement.

US corporations have enormous power and presence across the world to demand transparency, openness, fairness in trade, labor, environment, currency policies from governments who are not ready to do so. Why can't the companies who spend billions of dollars to lobby the US government use some of it where it is really required?

My playbook to companies is as follows:
  1. First, each company which has a significant presence in these closed environments has to do some soul searching and decide how it wants to do business, what its values are etc.
  2. Second, find like minded partners who have significant interests in these countries
  3. Third, see how the US government can help
  4. Finally, take it to these regulated environments and refuse to do business if you are forced to change your core principles and beliefs

What Google has done alone, is a model to be followed. But power is in numbers. Google might have had very minimal impact, but GM, Ford, GE, Yahoo, Microsoft, Caterpillar, John Deere, IBM, Accenture, Exxon all together can really do something.

I think it is very important that there is a concept of corporate conscience just like how the society has one. This will promote good behavior and help develop some spine and then some character in some of our great corporations.


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