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Health Scare

I have, like most of you, been watching the whole health care reform drama unfold right in front of us..

Be it Sarah Palin's famous 'death panel' pronouncement or Paul Krugman's insistence that the public option will save us all, it has been entertaining and frightening at the same time. Entertaining for the passion displayed by both Democrats \GOP and frightening for the lack of direction even when confronted with one of the biggest challenges this country has ever faced.

I personally have been frustrated with the US health care system. A few items that tick me off:

  1. The insurance premiums are just plain ridiculous. It is stacked heavily against small and medium business employees. I was paying in 2 months what my wife has to pay for a whole year.
  2. Getting hit with unnecessary fees. For e.g. I already had my x-rays taken (by my PCP) when I was directed to a specialist. The specialist went ahead and took x-rays without asking me and charged my insurance $100.
  3. Doctors not discussing the cost of procedures and options in sufficient detail. They talk to us only when the insurance company refuses to pay the whole amount. However I was fortunate to work with a dentist once who understood our insurance limit and planned critical procedures first while delaying the rest so that we do not go out of our yearly limit.
  4. High prices charged by doctors. This does not affect me much as long as I have good insurance coverage. But my jaws drop whenever I look at rates charged by doctors to the insurance company. An orthodontist once examined me for 5 minutes before scheduling another visit and guess how much my insurance company was charged ..... $250. That is crazy!!!!.
  5. Doctors being in bed with Pharma companies. I once got a prescription for an antihistamine which costs $90. While I was filling the prescription up, I thought of calling my doctor again to see if there were alternatives to the $90 antihistamine. She asked me to buy, surprise... Claritin which is an OTC and costs $15.

Additionally I have heard stories of being denied coverage because of preexisting conditions, surprise bills due to loopholes in coverage.

What does all this mean? It means an industry critical to our basic existence is being exploited for huge profits with no checks and balances. Sadly the consumer awareness required to utilize the health care system efficiently is lacking. As consumers we should ensure that the doctors do not charge huge fees and are not writing you expensive prescriptions. We also have to make sure that insurance companies are not going crazy with their premiums and have sufficient competition.

What do you think? Any pet peeves about the system? Any experience with highly touted systems in Germany, Japan?


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