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Showing posts from September, 2009

Honeymoon Period - How to make it last?

I was reading a blog post by Kevin Kelly recently - The triumph of the default . It's a very interesting read about how Defaults are a big and important part of our everyday lives. Be it new products, the web, using a car we are always leveraging Defaults to simplify our life. Without Defaults we would be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices a system presents. Defaults give us the ability to use something effectively while learning to gain the flexibility the product promises. This thought brought me to a related concept that is a constant in this age of short attention spans, blogs and shiny gadgets - The Honeymoon Period.

Health Scare

I have, like most of you, been watching the whole health care reform drama unfold right in front of us.. Be it Sarah Palin's famous 'death panel' pronouncement or Paul Krugman's insistence that the public option will save us all, it has been entertaining and frightening at the same time. Entertaining for the passion displayed by both Democrats \GOP and frightening for the lack of direction even when confronted with one of the biggest challenges this country has ever faced.