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Showing posts from April, 2009

Lessons from the basketball court

Have you watched Lebron make plays? Have you seen Kobe just force the Lakers to a win? If not, try catching them during the playoffs. It will give you a glimpse of what makes them great players and much more. Some of my observations I am responsible for what happens - They take front and center responsibility for everything that happens in the court. They pickup slack for a bad team day, get team members involved and help the coach carry out plays. Kobe was held to 5-for-24 in Game 3 with Utah. He came in Game 4 and decimated Utah with 38 points with a 16-for-24 game.

100 days for what????

"The first 100 days" - the new age milestone for a president which will be diced and sliced by the press, the american people and the entire international community. People (including me) will lap up anything and everything - from the number of gray hairs Obama has collected in the first 100 days to the promises he kept (or broke depending on your political leaning). First and foremost - full disclosure - Although I did not vote for Obama (because I cannot) I was one of his early supporters. I followed the election (starting with the Democratic primaries) just like a mortgage broker followed subprime borrowers in the pre depression days.

A level playing field, maybe!!

****** Update 05/17/2009********** A column from Paul Krugman in nytimes broaches a similar topic *********************************** Often I get into discussions on politics and policies, its impact on business, global trade and inevitably the dreaded "P" word - protectionism.